Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Thanks for Your Patience!


The past 12 months have been a roller coaster of a ride.  Unfortunately, most was not work related, but rather other issues out of my control.  Thus, the blog portion of my business has been neglected and I apologize.

It is my hope to get back into my routine of sharing my creative endeavors with you once again.  My posts may be brief but know that I value your support and input.  

So, to get back on track, I want to make sure that you know that I have been able to continue publishing my free monthly newsletter, Linda B Creative.  You can subscribe to it here.

In my February issue, I posted my Pieces of My Heart block as a free download in the Linda B Creative Facebook group.  

If you are not a member, ask to join and answer a few questions, and get your copy! Here is the link for the Linda B Creative Facebook Group.

It is good to be back in touch with you once again,